Is Renters Insurance Required in Connecticut?

Renting a home or apartment is an exciting and often overwhelming experience. One of the most important decisions you can make is understanding the legal requirements for renting in your area. Our team of insurance experts at Bogden Insurance Agency can help guide you through the process by covering all aspects of renters insurance and legal obligations in Berlin, CT. 

What is Renters Insurance? 

Renters insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers losses to personal property or liability caused by fires, theft, vandalism, and other covered losses. It also provides financial protection if someone injures themselves or sues you for damages they incurred while on your property. Generally speaking, renters insurance covers any damage to the personal possessions inside your unit, such as furniture, electronics, clothing, and more. 

Is Renters Insurance Required in Connecticut? 

The short answer is no; renters insurance is not legally required in Berlin, CT. However, it is highly recommended that all renters consider purchasing a policy to protect their belongings from unexpected loss or damage. Your landlord’s insurance typically only covers the structural integrity of the building itself—not your belongings inside it. So without renters insurance, you would be left with nothing should an accident affect your personal items located within the rental unit.                

Do I Need Renters Insurance If I Live With Roommates? 

If you live with roommates, it’s even more important for each tenant to purchase their own renter’s insurance policy. That way, each person can rest assured knowing that their belongings are protected from any potential losses or damages caused by their roommate’s negligence or carelessness. Without separate policies, everyone would be held responsible for accidental damage to another tenant’s items should something happen, like a fire or flood, causing damage throughout the entire unit. 

Give Us A Call

For more information about renter’s coverage, contact Bogden Insurance Agency today!

Three mistakes to avoid when you choose an umbrella insurance policy

Umbrella insurance is essential for those who want to enjoy complete financial protection. Bogden Insurance Agency is an insurance provider offering umbrella insurance to consumers in Berlin, CT. 

Consumers need to be well informed and avoid mistakes that could cost them in the future when they choose umbrella insurance.

The following are three mistakes to avoid when you choose an umbrella insurance policy:

Purchasing the wrong amount of coverage

Consumers should be careful not to purchase too much or too little umbrella insurance coverage. It’s not necessary to purchase coverage beyond the value of one’s net worth. However, consumers should make sure that they purchase enough coverage to cover the full value of their assets. 

Not getting quotes from a few providers

As with any other type of insurance, it’s important to get quotes from numerous insurance companies when choosing an umbrella insurance policy. Insurance providers should be readily willing to give out free quotes on umbrella insurance policies. 

Misunderstanding the coverage you purchase

Some consumers don’t fully understand umbrella insurance coverage when they purchase a policy. Consumers need to realize that umbrella insurance is a type of insurance that only protects them against liability expenses. 

While umbrella insurance coverage protects the assets a customer owns if they face a lawsuit, policyholders won’t typically be able to file a claim to cover the costs of damage to their own property. 

Contact Us Today

At Bogden Insurance Agency, we’re devoted to meeting the insurance needs of consumers in Berlin, CT. When you’re ready to get a quote on an umbrella insurance policy, get in touch with us. We’ll be happy to come to your assistance and provide you with the information you need and a quote on a policy that’s appropriate for your unique situation. 

Does classic car insurance cover my car if I drive it every day?

You finally did it. You saved up, did your research, and took the plunge. You bought a classic car! And of course, you want to show it off around Berlin, CT.  Now the question is… how do you insure it?

Do you need a special classic car policy from Bogden Insurance Agency? Can you just use your regular ol’ car insurance? 

Classic Car Coverage

First, let’s start with what classic car insurance is. Classic car insurance is a type of auto insurance that is designed specifically for classic cars. Agreed value and parts replacement coverage generally make classic car insurance more expensive than regular car insurance, but there are limits on how much you can drive it. Classic car insurance is designed for cars you only drive occasionally – not your daily driver.

If you plan on driving your classic car every day, then you’ll likely want to get a standard car insurance policy that will cover your vehicle including collisions and comprehensive coverage. However, if you only plan on driving your classic car occasionally, then a classic car insurance policy might be a better option since it will generally have lower premiums and offer additional coverage options.

Contact Us Today

When insuring your classic car, the best thing to do is talk to Bogden Insurance Agency about what coverage options are available and which one makes the most sense for you based on how often you plan on driving your vehicle around Berlin, CT. We can help answer any other questions you might have and make sure you’re getting the best possible rate on your classic car insurance policy.

When do You Need To Modify Your Insurance Coverage?

Having the right automobile insurance coverage is critical to help protect you from loss or various risks both on and off the road. Sometimes, however, you need to modify existing coverage to get the best solution for your situation. When you find it’s time to modify coverage, you can count on the experts at Bogden Insurance Agency in Berlin, CT to help you understand when it’s the right time. 

Modifying Insurance Coverages

So, there are times when you need to modify your insurance coverage. For example, if you purchase a vehicle and then make expensive modifications, you’ll want to look into getting more comprehensive coverage or even custom coverage. Additionally, if you have a vehicle that is more than ten years of age and has a value of less than a few thousand dollars, you might consider reducing your full-coverage insurance to the state minimum required coverage. 

Before modifying your insurance, however, you’ll want to speak with an expert insurance agent who can provide insight and suggestions to help you discover the best solution. They can work one on one with customers to analyze the current situation and suggest some modifications that suit their needs. 

Reach Out Today

Individuals with doubts about their current level of insurance coverage need to get the insight and recommendations necessary to optimize their insurance coverage to fit their lifestyle. Residents living in and around the Berlin, CT area should reach out to Bogden Insurance Agency to set up a consultation with one of our experts to get started assessing their current insurance needs. Each team member is committed to providing the best quality customer service and insurance products available. 

When is it necessary to have commercial insurance for a Connecticut business?

Anyone that is looking to be their own boss and wants to start a new business will need to find a place to open. When you are looking for a new place to start a business, it would be wise to consider Berlin, CT as it offers various amenities and advantages to small businesses. If you are going to be a business owner here, you will want to keep proper insurance.

There are various situations when having commercial insurance will be necessary:

When Raising Capital

One situation when having commercial insurance is necessary is when you want to raise capital. Having access to capital is necessary for many businesses. Whether you are bringing on investors or taking out a loan, there is a good chance you will be required to carry commercial insurance. Lenders, investors, and other stakeholders will want you to carry commercial insurance as it ultimately protects your business and its investment. 

When Hiring Employees

It can also be necessary to get commercial insurance when you want to hire new employees. For those that are in Connecticut, providing worker’s compensation insurance is a necessity in many cases. Not only is it a great way to protect your team and business, but not having coverage could end up being a legal violation as well. 

Give Us A Call

Anyone that lives in the Berlin, CT area will want to know that they are covered with insurance. Those who are looking for insurance support here should call the professionals with the Bogden Insurance Agency. There are many choices to make when looking for coverage and the Bogden Insurance Agency can give you the guidance that you need. This will give you comfort in knowing that you are making a wise selection when picking your next plan. 

Why Every Homeowner Needs Home Insurance

Home insurance is a vital way to protect your largest investments. Your investments in your home and in the belongings inside it represent your largest investments, and it’s important to protect them. You can do that with home insurance. These policies include several different kinds of coverage that are each important for your financial protection. If you own a home and don’t have home insurance, or you want to change to a new policy, call us now at Bogden Insurance Agency in Berlin, CT.

Why Every Homeowner Needs Home Insurance

Home Protection

As your largest investment, your home itself needs to be protected. Homes face a lot of risks that can cause them damage, and home insurance protects against that damage. Each policy has its own types of damaging events that it covers, and when one of those events happens, it can cause untold damage to your home. When there is damage to your home, your policy can then pay for it to be repaired. If your home is destroyed, the policy can pay to have it rebuilt as well. 

Protection for Your Belongings

The items inside your home represent another large investment, and you need to protect them. Your possessions inside your home are important, and they are worth a lot when you add them all up. That’s why this coverage is so important. It can pay for the damage done to your belongings by a damaging incident. 

Protection for Liability

If someone were to get injured in your home, you are highly likely to be held liable for the medical bills, lost wages, etc. With home insurance, that liability is covered, and the policy can pay for those bills. This can save you thousands in medical bills. 

Get Home Insurance

When you own a home and need to insure it, give us a call today at Bogden Insurance Agency in Berlin, CT.

How Renter’s Insurance Protects College Students

Protecting your college student in Berlin, CT requires taking many steps that you might not have considered. For example, renter’s insurance is an excellent option for when they move out of the house to their first apartment. We at Bogden Insurance Agency can help you understand why these policies are so critical.

What is Renter’s Insurance?

Renter’s insurance is a policy type that people renting a home can purchase to cover anything within their living environment. It covers only things that they own and not the building itself or any appliances that the homeowner installed for them to use.

The nice thing about these policies is that they’re typically designed to be fairly inexpensive and easy to use, meaning that your college student may pay for one without breaking the bank. Just as importantly, these policies can help to protect them from various types of serious loss.

How It Helps College Students

Renter’s insurance can protect your college student by covering all their items inside their apartment. While the apartment or house owner’s policy will protect the building, it will do nothing to protect anything that your college student owns, which could lead to a total loss for them.

As a result, renter’s insurance is a great option that can minimize their potential loss if the house burns down or is otherwise destroyed. For example, a renter’s insurance policy can replace things like computers, video game consoles, and even study guides if you itemize them in your coverage.

Finding a Great Policy

Are you interested in a renter’s insurance policy for your Berlin, CT college student? Then please contact us at Bogden Insurance Agency right away to learn more. These policies are often very inexpensive and can be added to your coverage option fairly easily.

How Umbrella Insurance Adds Extra Protection

Umbrella insurance is an excellent option if you’re looking for extra protection in Berlin, CT. Umbrella insurance can help protect you from lawsuits and other financial damages. These policies are typically very affordable, and they can give you peace of mind in knowing that you’re covered.

They aren’t stand-alone policies, however. You’ll need to have other insurance policies first, such as auto or homeowner’s insurance. Here’s how umbrella insurance can add an extra layer of protection for your family.

A representative from the Bogden Insurance Agency can help you understand your options and find the right policy for your needs.

How Umbrella Insurance Adds Extra Protection

Financial Protection

Umbrella insurance can help protect you from financial damages if you’re sued. If you’re found liable for damages, your umbrella policy can help pay your legal fees and any other monetary damages. An example of this might be if you’re involved in a car accident and are sued by the other driver. This protection can give you peace of mind knowing that you’re protected financially.

Asset Protection

Umbrella insurance can also help protect your assets. If you’re sued and found liable for damages, your umbrella policy can help pay for the damages. For example, if someone’s injured on your property, your umbrella policy can help pay for their medical bills. This protection can help you keep your assets safe in a lawsuit.

Umbrella insurance is a great way to add extra protection for your family. If you’re looking for additional security, consider umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance can help protect you from financial damages and lawsuits. Contact Bogden Insurance Agency in Berlin, CT today to learn more about umbrella insurance. We’re here to help you find the right coverage for your needs.

What Does Condo Insurance Cover?

If you live in a condo, you’ll likely become familiar with two types of insurance: HO-6 or condo insurance and the condo association’s master policy. With a condominium, you are only responsible for the belongings within your unit or on private outdoor space and the walls within the home. Common areas such as elevators, gym, pool, lobby, and any other space shared with your neighbors will be covered under the condo association’s policy.

Although you’ll contribute towards the cost of the association’s policy through your dues, you are only responsible for having separate insurance for your personal unit. Bogden Insurance Agency in Berlin, CT offers you this guide to navigate condo insurance.

What Does Condo Insurance Cover?

In addition to covering your personal belongings, individual condo insurance also provides protection for a slew of other incidents and situations. For example, your policy will include liability coverage that will protect you from paying medical bills, legal fees, and other costs associated with a visitor or guest injuring themselves while inside your condo.

Additionally, your condo insurance policy is likely to include loss of use coverage, meaning that if your home is uninhabitable due to a covered incident, you’ll receive monetary assistance to live elsewhere up to your policy max. If your home is deemed a total loss, your condo insurance policy will include information on how much money the insurance company will contribute towards rebuilding your home. This coverage varies and could be set to the price paid for the condo when you purchased it, the expected value today, and more so be sure to speak with your insurance provider about which option is best for you.

At Bogden Insurance Agency in Berlin, CT we are committed to providing you with transparent and trustworthy service. Whether you are looking for condo insurance, auto insurance, or another type, we look forward to earning your business for years to come.


In-Depth Breakdown Of Auto Insurance Policies

Bogden Insurance Agency serves the Berlin, CT community and its surrounding areas. For over 10 years, we have helped our clients obtain coverage and protect what matters most. We are confident that we can help you find the coverage you’re looking for. We proudly serve as an independent agency. Working with multiple carriers across the East Coast allows us to offer our clients flexible coverage options.

In-Depth Breakdown Of Auto Insurance Policies

Auto insurance covers you as you travel around Berlin, CT and beyond. Operating a car can be dangerous at times due to the uncertain nature of road conditions, as well as the other drivers on the road. The policy covers your car if you are involved in an accident. Auto insurance assists with the necessary repairs to your vehicle. You are also covered if your vehicle accidentally hits someone and causes damage. Liability coverage also covers any medical treatment for an injured passenger. Comprehensive coverage protects you if your car is stolen or damaged due to a natural disaster or fire. You are also covered if your car accidentally hits a deer or some other animal while you’re on the road and damages occur.

While looking over your policy, you adjust it based on your unique needs. If you installed a custom engine, consider modified auto coverage. This type of coverage protects your vehicle against potential damages based on its new value. If you’re using your personal vehicle to perform work-related tasks, add commercial auto coverage. Another option to consider adding to your policy is uninsured motorist coverage. This type of coverage protects you if your car is hit by a driver who does not have coverage.

Bogden Insurance Agency Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Contact us today to learn more information about auto insurance.